Sleep Dentistry

Our sedationist are highly trained so there is NO pain and no memory of the procedure. There is an anaesthetic gel and local anaesthetic applied to numb the area whilst having IV sedation. You will remember attending the dentist but you will not remember the whole procedure. 



Comfortable, relaxed, and no memory of the dentist.



We alleviate the anxiety of a dentist visit.


Eliminates the boredom and fatigue of long sessions.

For more information about our sleep dentistry, contact us


Sleep Apnea

Many people have sleep apnea, but they may not know it. In fact, three out of ten men and two out of ten women have sleep apnea, so it's far more common than you might think. If you think you may have sleep apnea, it's important to recognize some common symptoms and what you can do about them. If you’re interested in a snoring doctor, Dr. Lisa can help!

Common symptoms of sleep apnea

Research found that snoring is one of the most typical symptoms of sleep apnea syndrome, which can be life-threatening.

You might notice some other symptoms too such as:

  • constant tiredness

  • poor concentration

  • morning headaches

  • depressed mood

  • night sweats

Sleep Apnea Treatments

It is important to pay attention to sleep apnea and get tested.

But the good news is that there is a treatment that most people can benefit from:

  • By treating your sleep apnea, you can reduce related risks and improve your overall health.

  • In many cases, treatment has been shown to reduce symptoms of sleep apnea, such as daytime sleepiness, depression, memory and attention lapses, and a decline in quality of life (particularly in work performance and family relationships)

  • Untreated sleep apnea is also associated with symptoms such as dizziness, shortness of breath, and chest discomfort, which may be alleviated when treating sleep apnea

  • People with sleep apnea may become too tired to exercise, making some of their underlying conditions worse.Obese people treated for sleep apnea get more energy, which may help them exercise and lose weight.Weight loss has been shown to improve sleep apnea in some people.

For more information about our sleep apnea treatments, contact us

Snoring Guard

Sleep guard is a kind of anti-snoring mouth shield, which can prevent snoring. According to the study, it is almost three times more effective than off-the-shelf, over-the-counter devices in treating snoring.

The snoring guard works by gently pushing your lower jaw to open your airways while you sleep. This reduces the vibration of the tissue at the back of the throat and stops snoring. A custom-made device allows your mouth to fit comfortably without disrupting a good night's sleep. This is what treating snoring is all about - providing you and your partner with quality sleep and improving your quality of life.