The Non-surgical Anti-aging Face and Nose Thread Lift

The Non-surgical Anti-aging Face and Nose Thread Lift

In recent years, minimally invasive procedures have surged in popularity for those who want to look younger or elevate their beauty. Those non-surgical techniques can help people avoid the downtime associated with traditional surgery.

Among these innovative techniques, the use of (polydioxanone) PDO thread (medical-grade dissolvable sutures) has become a leading option for individuals aiming to enhance their facial features, including a higher nose, and tightened skin, subtly and effectively.

Hiko Nose Thread Lift

The HIKO nose lift, often referred to as a "non-surgical nose job," achieve a more defined nasal profile without the need for invasive surgery by using PDO thread. This technique is particularly popular in Asian countries and is gaining traction worldwide due to its simplicity and impressive results.

How Can HIKO Nose Lift Help Shape Your Nose

  • A straighter nasal profile

  • A more regular nose bridge and tip

  • A sharper nose tip

  • A higher nose bridge

  • A slimmer nose

Procedure Overview

  • Technique: The procedure involves the insertion of PDO threads into the nasal bridge and tip via fine needles. These threads are strategically placed to reshape the nose by lifting the bridge or tip, depending on the desired outcome.

  • Duration and Anesthesia: Local Anaesthetics will be applied and the procedure usually takes 30-60 minutes.

  • Recovery Time: Usually patients can go back to their normal life routine within 1-2 hours after the procedure. You may expect minor swelling and bruising that subsides within a week

  • How long does the effect lasts: You can expect to notice improvements from your Hiko thread lift immediately on the same day. The results will progressively get better over the next few days. The effects should persist for at least 12 months and may last up to two years.

PDO Face Thread Lift

The PDO thread lift for the face is another minimally invasive technique that lifts and tightens sagging skin tissue using threads made from polydioxanone. This procedure not only provides immediate lifting but also natural and long-lasting results.

From our real patient

What Are the Effects of PDO Face Thread Lift

  • Immediate Lifting of Sagging Skin: The threads provide an immediate lift to the skin, especially noticeable in areas like the cheeks, jowls, and neck

  • Reduction of Fine Lines and Wrinkles: As collagen levels increase, the skin becomes firmer and smoother, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Tightening and Firming of the Skin: The lifting effect and enhanced collagen production result in tighter and firmer skin, providing an overall more youthful appearance.

  • Improved Facial Contours: By repositioning the skin, the thread lift can enhance facial contours, such as the jawline and cheekbones.

  • Increased Collagen Production: PDO threads stimulate natural collagen production, which helps to improve the skin’s texture and elasticity over time.

Procedure Overview

  • Technique: The treatment involves inserting fine PDO threads under the skin using small needles. These threads create a supportive mesh that lifts sagging skin and stimulates collagen synthesis.

  • Duration and Anesthesia: Like the HIKO nose lift, this procedure is quick, taking about 30 to 60 minutes under local anesthesia.

  • Recovery Time: Recovery from a PDO thread lift is minimal. You may have some swelling and bruising for the first 24 to 48 hours, but you can return to most of your daily routines right away.

  • How long does the effect last: The PDO thread lift led to instant enhancements in skin tightening right after the procedure. A significant reduction in these effects may be observed 6 months later.

At Pain Free Dentist, we offer limited special offers for both HIKO Nose Thread Lift and PDO Face Thread lift. All procedures will be conducted by Dr Chong who has over 25 years of experience.

Call Call (02) 9558 8988 or email us at to make an appointment.

Is TMJ a lifelong condition? Can TMJ be permanently cured?

Is TMJ a lifelong condition? Can TMJ be permanently cured?

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) functions similarly to a sliding hinge, linking your jawbone to your skull, with one joint positioned on each side of your jaw. The TMJ disorder can significantly influence one’s life quality as TMJ pain can be an extremely discomforting experience. TMJ disorders are more common in women than men, particularly those between the ages of 20 and 40. So how do you know if you have TMJ disorder? What are the causes of TMJ dysfunction? Is TMJ a lifelong condition or is there any TMJ treatment that can cure it permanently? We will discuss all these questions in this article.

How do I know if I have TMJ disorder?

TMJ symptoms can be quite complex and varied among different individuals, which sometimes makes diagnosis, especially self-diagnosis challenging. We will list some of the key symptoms of TMJ dysfunction, but we do recommend you seek the help of a healthcare professional, typically a dentist to conduct a physical examination and other necessary tests.

  • Jaw Pain or Tenderness: One of the most common symptoms is persistent pain in the jaw area.

  • Clicking or Popping Sounds: Hearing these sounds when opening or closing your mouth can indicate TMJ, especially if accompanied by pain or limited jaw movement.

  • Difficulty Chewing or Pain While Chewing: If it feels uncomfortable or painful to chew food, or if you experience uneven jaw movements, it might be a sign of TMJ.

  • Teeth Grinding (Bruxism): It involves clenching the jaw and grinding the teeth, usually unconsciously and often during sleep.

  • Locking of the Jaw: This occurs when the jaw suddenly becomes difficult to open or close completely.

  • Ear or Facial Pain: You might feel pain that radiates around or in the ear, arching or discomfort that spreads over the face might also be TMJ pain.

What are the causes of TMJ disorder?

TMJ causes again, can be very complicated as they are often multiple factors that may interact with each other. Some causes can also be the symptoms, such as teeth grinding, tongue tie, incorrect body or teeth postures etc, which makes the situation even more complicated. The major causes of TMJ disorder include:

  • Physical Stress to the Jaw: Direct injury to the jaw, the joint, or the muscles of the head and neck, or the habit of bruxism can put excessive pressure on the joint and muscle tissues, leading to TMJ.

  • Tongue Tie: A tongue tie can potentially contribute to the development of TMJ as it could alter oral mechanism, increase muscle tension, influence chewing and eating habits and lead to misalignment of the jaw.

  • Genetic Predisposition: Some individuals may inherit a jaw structure that is more prone to developing TMJ disorders.

  • Poor Posture: Poor body and teeth alignment, particularly in the neck and upper back can lead to muscle imbalances which indirectly affect the TMJ through connected muscle and fascia tissues.

  • Airway Obstruction: Airway obstructions can contribute to TMJ disorders primarily by altering how the jaw is positioned and may lead to a mouth-open posture for easier breathing.

  • Hormonal Changes: There is evidence to suggest that hormonal changes, particularly in women, might play a role in the sensitivity and functioning of the TMJ.

Is TMJ a lifelong condition?

TMJ disorders can vary widely in their course and may not necessarily be a lifelong condition for everyone. The duration and severity of TMJ disorders depend on a variety of factors, including the underlying cause, the effectiveness and timeliness of the treatment, and the individual's overall health and lifestyle. Here’s a breakdown of how TMJ disorder can progress:

Temporary Condition

For some individuals, TMJ symptoms might be temporary and resolve on their own or with minimal intervention. This is particularly common when the symptoms are due to temporary stressors, minor injuries, or habits such as bruxism that can be modified.

Intermittent Condition

TMJ disorders can also be episodic, with periods of flare-ups followed by times of remission. Stress, dietary habits, or other health conditions might trigger these episodes.

Chronic Condition

In other cases, TMJ can become a chronic issue, especially if it is related to more persistent factors such as anatomical abnormalities, severe trauma, or systemic diseases like arthritis. Chronic TMJ disorders may require ongoing management and can fluctuate in intensity over time.

However, if temporary TMJ is left untreated, the TMJ symptoms may worsen and could lead to long-term, chronic discomfort and functional limitations. Therefore, to avoid TMJ becoming a lifelong condition, it is important to get diagnosed and treated on time.

Can we treat TMJ permanently?

The possibility of permanently curing TMJ disorders varies greatly depending on the underlying cause, the severity of the condition, and the specific treatments applied. This is why it is important to seek help from a n expert in the field. Our dentist Dr Chong has over 25 year of clinical experience and TMJ disorder is one of the main areas she is focusing on. We will introduce some potential treatment approaches to cure TMJ.

  • Behavioural Modifications: Changing habits that stress the TMJ, such as teeth grinding, nail-biting, or extensive gum chewing, can effectively eliminate symptoms if these are the primary causes.

  • Physical Therapy: Therapeutic exercises and treatments can strengthen and relax jaw muscles, potentially restoring normal function and alleviating symptoms permanently.

  • Myofunctional Therapy: It can be a valuable component in managing and potentially alleviating symptoms of TMJ. Myofunctional therapy can help correct tongue position, improve breathing patterns and strengthen oral muscles.

  • Dental Interventions: The use of dental splints or corrective orthodontic procedures can realign the bite and relieve pressure on the TMJ, offering long-term relief.

  • Medications: While medications like pain relievers and muscle relaxants can manage symptoms, they do not cure TMJ disorders but are useful in comprehensive treatment plans.

  • Surgery: In severe cases, surgical interventions might be considered as a last resort. Surgery can sometimes permanently resolve structural problems in the TMJ, though it comes with risks and requires careful consideration and specialist consultation.

Have TMJ disorder and TMJ pain? Call (02) 9558 8988 or email to make appointment with us to get cured by our TMJ expert, Dr Lisa Chong.

Sleep Dentistry? A Path to Pain-Free Dental Treatment Through IV Sedation

Sleep Dentistry - Pain-free Experience Through IV Sedation

Dental treatment is an essential step towards achieving optimal oral health but can often be intimidating for many individuals. The process of extracting teeth, in particular, may cause significant pain and discomfort, leading to huge anxiety. However, advancements in dental sedation techniques, especially Intravenous (IV) Sedation—often referred to as sleep dentistry—have substantially mitigated these concerns. This article explores the role of IV sedation in dental procedures, illustrating how it can greatly diminish pain and anxiety for patients, thereby ensuring a more comfortable and pain-free dental treatment experience.

What is Sleep Dentistry or IV Sedation?

Dental sedation or IV sedation involves the administration of sedative drugs directly into the bloodstream through an intravenous route. This technique allows dental professionals to rapidly induce a state of deep relaxation in the patient, who remains conscious but significantly less aware of the procedure being performed. The sedatives used can be adjusted in real time to tailor the sedation level to the patient's needs, ensuring safety and comfort throughout the dental procedure.

Do I need IV Sedation in My Dental Treatment?

IV sedation is suitable for a variety of patients and situations and it is particularly beneficial for certain groups of people. If any of the following description matches your situation, you could consider having IV sedation in your dental treatment:

  • Dental Anxiety or Phobia: Individuals who experience severe anxiety or fear at the prospect of dental work can benefit greatly from IV sedation. It helps to relax patients and makes the experience less traumatic.

  • Complex and Lengthy Procedures: For treatments that are invasive or require a long time to complete, such as multiple wisdom tooth extractions or major dental surgeries, IV sedation can help keep the patient comfortable and still throughout the procedure.

  • Low Pain Threshold: For those who are particularly sensitive to pain, IV sedation can provide a pain-free experience, as it helps to manage and minimize pain perception during dental procedures.

  • Patients with Special Needs: Individuals who have difficulty staying still due to certain physical or cognitive conditions may also be candidates for IV sedation for routine procedures, as it can help maintain patient safety and cooperation.

While IV sedation is versatile, there are several important considerations. Not everyone is a suitable candidate for IV sedation, it is important to undergo a thorough medical evaluation to identify any potential risks or contraindications. The longer recovery time might also require patients to find someone to drive them home after the procedure.

Do I Feel Any Pain Through IV Sedation?

IV sedation is highly effective in making dental treatments more comfortable and less distressing for patients, particularly those who experience significant anxiety or are undergoing complex procedures. To understand how it provides you with a pain-free experience, it is important to know how it works and what it achieves.

During the Procedure

IV sedation involves administering sedative drugs directly into the bloodstream through a vein, which allows for rapid onset and easy control over the depth of sedation. This state is not full unconsciousness like general anesthesia; rather, patients are in a deeply relaxed state and are often drowsy enough that they have little or no memory of the procedure afterwards.

  • Pain Perception: IV sedation significantly reduces pain perception. Patients are often so relaxed that they do not react to pain in the usual way. However, IV sedation is typically used in conjunction with local anesthesia, which numbs the treatment area and blocks pain signals from reaching the brain, thus truly achieving a pain-free experience.

  • Anxiety Reduction: For many patients, the anxiety associated with dental procedures can enhance their perception of pain. IV sedation helps by relaxing the patient and minimizing this anxiety, which can make the overall experience feel more comfortable and pain-free.


After the effects of IV sedation wear off, it is common for patients to experience some discomfort or pain depending on the type of dental work performed. You will be provided with painkillers to manage pain after the procedure.

At Pain-Free Dentist, we provide you with real pain-free sedational dental treatment. We try to minimise patient’s suffering by using various approaches including IV Sedation. Call (02) 9558 8988 Or email us at to make an appointment. Our doctor with over 25 years of clinical experience will be happy to help you.